Kathmandu, May 30 – 2024, Nepal
Nepal Adopts New Criteria for Teacher Transfers to Improve Transparency and Efficiency In Nepal, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) has issued new guidelines for teacher transfer to make it more effective. The move is designed to promote openness and speed up payments as well as address monetary concerns by removing financial manipulation inma In the past, teaching transfers often went public when jobs were open. However, the new standard places a greater focus on proactive measures. Information about vacant teacher posts in schools throughout Nepal will now be published by the Education Development Coordination Unit (EDCU) and the Education and Human Resource Development Center (EHRDC), from time to time.
MoEST spokesperson Keshav Dahal recommended that transparency was a way to prevent any kind of financial irregularities. He said there is a new order that now if to transfer, it should only be through the publication of vacancy counters. It also expands on how leaders can get out the word that a school community like Malone is open to teachers looking for new gigs — without turning over their entire staff at semester, each year. The new guidance also speaks to the issue of transfer decision timeliness. For the teachers, seeking transfers government will now respond to them within one month from submission of transfer application. The wait time for transfer decisions used to be much worse, causing teachers to linger in limbo. Should a transfer not be approved within the designated period, then all teachers receive an explanation of why.
One key aspect of the new policy involves the potential removal of Schedule 17 from the Education Regulations. This schedule currently requires the School Management Committee’s consent before a teacher transfer can be finalized. However, the MoEST believes this requirement may have contributed to past issues with financial manipulation. The removal of Schedule 17 is currently awaiting approval from the Ministry of Law.
The implementation of these new standards follows a previous decision by Minister Sumana Shrestha to halt inter-district teacher transfers. This decision was motivated by concerns about financial irregularities within the transfer process. The MoEST believes that the new transparent and time-bound approach will effectively address these concerns, leading to a more efficient and fair teacher transfer system.
The impact of these new standards remains to be seen. While some teachers may welcome the increased transparency and quicker turnaround time, others might express concerns about the potential for disruptions in staffing at their current schools. Additionally, the final decision on removing Schedule 17 will be crucial in determining the level of influence School Management Committees have over teacher transfers.
Overall, the MoEST’s initiative to improve teacher transfers represents a positive step towards a more transparent and efficient system. The success of this initiative will depend on the effective implementation of the new standards and the impact they have on both teachers and schools across Nepal.
Teacher Transfer Guidelines, 2081Preamble: As it is desirable to make the transfer of teachers working in community schools simple, easy, systematic, predictable, objective, and transparent, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology has formulated and implemented these guidelines in exercise of the authority conferred by clause (ng) of rule 192 of the Education Regulations, 2059. Chapter – 1Preliminary1. Short Title and Commencement (1) This guideline shall be called the “Teacher Transfer Guidelines, 2081”. (2) This guideline shall come into effect from the date of its approval by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. (Approved Date: 2081/02/13) 2. Definitions Unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions used in this guideline shall have the meanings assigned to them below: (a) “Unit” means Education Development and Coordination Unit. Chapter – 2Committee Related Arrangements3. Facilitation Committee Arrangements 4. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Committee 5. Procedures for Committee Meetings Chapter 3Procedures for Publishing Information6. When a Teacher Position is Considered Vacant
7. Reporting Vacant Positions (2) Notwithstanding anything written in sub-clause (1), the transfer process can be initiated 30 days in advance if a teacher’s position is becoming vacant due to mandatory retirement. 8. Verifying Details After receiving information about a vacant position as per clause 7, the concerned local level must verify whether there is subject-wise priority as per Schedule-12 of the Regulations and update the details of the concerned school in the Center’s Integrated Educational Management Information System. 9. Issuing a Notice (2) Notwithstanding anything written in sub-clause (1), teachers cannot be transferred for posts that have been cut back in terms of post rationalization or for posts that are self-replacement posts requiring transfer to another location, until such posts are managed. 10. Publishing the Notice (2) If there are problems with the website and the notice cannot be uploaded immediately, the school must obtain verification from the concerned Chief Administrative Officer or Head of the Education Branch/Department, and display the notice on the local level and school notice boards. Additionally, a record (muchulka) must be prepared as per Schedule 2. (3) The local level must send the notice as per clause (1) for publication on the website of the concerned unit. The unit will then publish it on its website and send it to the Center as well. The Center must publish all the information collected in this way every day through its website. Chapter 4Collection, Recording, and Publication of Applications11. Who Can Submit Applications (2) When submitting an application as per sub-clause (1), the applicant teacher must also inform the Center about it through the email address or other appropriate means specified by the Center. 12. Documents to be Submitted with the Application When a teacher applies for a transfer as per clause 11, they must submit the application in the format prescribed in Schedule-17 of the Regulations. While submitting the application, the teacher must include documents that show their service period, documents showing the date of joining the current position in the current school, copies of their permanent and temporary appointment letters, and documents related to extraordinary or unpaid leave taken, if any. 13. Application Registration and Recording The concerned school must register the applications received duly within the deadline specified in the notice published according to clause 9, in the format prescribed in Schedule-3. The school must then provide the registration number to the applicant through the same medium used to submit the application. 14. Verifying Records and Publishing the List After the deadline for submitting applications has ended, the concerned head teacher, after office hours, must verify the details recorded as per clause 13 and display them on the school’s website, social media, and notice board. The head teacher must also send these details to the concerned local level and unit for public information. Chapter 5Determining the Priority Order for Transfers15. Determining the Priority Order (1) The school must determine the priority order of the applicant teachers based on the details recorded as per clause 14. (2) When determining the priority order as per sub-clause (1), it should be done in the following order according to sections (a), (b), (c), and (d): (a) Based on the longest period of permanent service in the relevant level of the current school. (b) If the priority order cannot be determined as per section (a), then based on the total period of permanent service in the current position. (c) If the priority order cannot be determined even as per sections (a) and (b), then based on the percentage of marks or grade obtained in the educational qualification for the relevant subject, which is higher than the minimum educational qualification required for the current position. (d) If the priority order cannot be determined even as per sections (a), (b), and (c), then by selecting through lottery. (3) For the purpose of this clause, the calculation of service period should be based on the duration from the date of joining the concerned school. (4) The head teacher must prepare a list of the priority order of the applicant teachers as per sub-clause (2) and keep it verified. Chapter 6Procedures Regarding Transfer Consent16. Procedures Regarding Transfer Consent (1) Within three days from the deadline for submitting applications, the school must decide and grant transfer consent to the applicant teacher who has the highest priority order as per the priority order list established in clause 15. (2) The school must inform the applicant teacher of the decision as per sub-clause (1) through a quick means. 17. Submitting Documents for Teacher Transfer The head teacher must send the following documents related to the transfer of the teacher who has provided consent as per clause 16 to the concerned local level: Chapter 7Procedures Regarding Teacher Transfers18. Regarding Teacher Management and Consent (1) Once the documents have been received as per clause 17, if both schools are within the same local level and the level and subject are verified, the local level itself will handle the teacher management tasks within five days. (2) The local level must send a report of the teacher management work done as per sub-clause (1) to the concerned unit in writing, and the unit must make a decision as per the Regulations, record it, and file it. (3) If the schools transferring the teacher out and receiving the teacher in are from different local levels after the documents have been received as per clause 17, the local level must verify the received documents and send them along with their consent as per Schedule 17 of the Regulations to the concerned unit for teacher transfer within three days. 19. Transfers by the Unit The unit must scrutinize the documents submitted as per sub-clause (3) of clause 18 and within three days, make a decision regarding the transfer of teachers between local levels or within the district, and inform the concerned teacher, schools, local levels, and unit. 20. Updating the Integrated Educational Management Information System (1) The concerned local level must ensure that the details of vacant positions and filled positions as per these guidelines are updated immediately in the Integrated Educational Management Information System of the respective schools. (2) To make teacher transfers more effective and systematic, a central integrated portal can be developed, and all details and tasks related to teacher transfers can be done through the developed portal. Chapter 8Circumstances When Consent Cannot Be Granted or Transfers Cannot Be Made21. When Consent Cannot Be Granted or Transfers Cannot Be Made (1) Notwithstanding anything written elsewhere in these guidelines, a teacher cannot be granted transfer consent or be transferred in the following situations: (2) If due to any reason, a decision is made regarding a transfer based on the committee’s recommendation in relation to granting consent or making transfers as per this clause, then consent should not be granted or the transfer should not be made. 22. When Granting Consent or Making Transfers is Not Obstructed Even though sub-clause (b) of clause 21 mentions one year, if a teacher who was permanently appointed in one level has completed a period of one year and their service has been continuous after being permanently appointed in a higher level, then there is no obstruction to granting transfer consent or transferring such a teacher according to these guidelines. 23. Returning the Complete File If, upon studying the documents submitted for transfer according to these guidelines, it is found not to be in accordance with the law, or if the situation mentioned in clause 21 arises, or if there is sufficient reason and justification that the teacher management or transfer cannot be done due to any other valid reason, the local level or unit can return the entire file, including the application, to the concerned school with a clear explanation of the reason. Chapter 9Miscellaneous24. Fees or Contributions Prohibited (1) No cash or in-kind fees or contributions of any kind should be taken or given from the teacher while granting consent or transferring the teacher as per these guidelines. (2) If anyone is found taking or giving cash or in-kind fees or contributions for any purpose in violation of sub-clause (1), both the giver and the receiver should be brought forward for action as per the prevailing law. 25. Publishing Details The details of vacant positions updated by the local level as per clause 8 must be placed on the website of the center for everyone’s information. 26. In Accordance with Prevailing Law If anything written in these guidelines contradicts the prevailing law, the provisions of the prevailing law shall prevail to the extent of the contradiction. 27. Special Arrangements in Special Circumstances For teachers in special circumstances due to a special reason, the teacher management will be done according to the legal provisions related to teacher management in special circumstances. 28. Complaints Regarding Transfers and Management (1) If there is any complaint regarding teacher transfers, a complaint can be lodged with the authority who makes the transfer decision. 29. Transfer Time 30. Revoking Transfer Consent or Transfer (1) If it is found that someone obtained transfer consent or was transferred by submitting false information, the authorized officer or body can revoke such consent or transfer. (2) The person who prepared and submitted the false information as per sub-clause (1) should be referred to the concerned body for action as per the prevailing law. 31. Facilitation and Amendment of Guidelines (1) The Ministry will facilitate the implementation of these guidelines if any problems arise. (2) The Ministry can amend these guidelines as needed. 32. Considered Under the Guidelines (1) Matters related to transfers that received consent and are in process before the commencement of these guidelines shall be considered to be under these guidelines. (2) While making decisions on the subjects mentioned in sub-clause (1), a transfer decision must be made within the period prescribed by the regulations and these guidelines. Note: This is an unofficial translation of the document “शिक्षक सरुवासम्बन्धी निर्देशिका, २०८१.” We have taken the utmost care to avoid errors in this translation. However, if there are any inadvertent mistakes, Edusanjal will not be liable for any resulting losses. We recommend referring to the original regulation document (available in Nepali) for accurate information. |